Artistic Beauty with Karyn Stratford offers a unique approach to skin therapy and skin appearance.
You are unique and so are your beauty & skincare needs.
Our services are personalised and tailored for your skin's individual requirements.
Our impressive range of services will leave you feeling refreshed, renewed, and beautiful every time.
From reducing the appearance of lines and slowing the process of aging; to treatments for scars, hair removal, acne, pigmentation, stimulating hair growth and lip filling. Not to mention classic beauty treatments including eyebrows, tinting, and waxing. And last but not least, professional freelancing makeup artistry for weddings, special occasions, parties and photo shoots as well as personalized or group makeup lessons.
After hours appointments and weekend appointments are available by arrangement.
Payment plans are available for packages.
Book now for your complimentary consultation. We Look forward to welcoming you to our salon.
Jody, Mama & Bridesmaids
Rebecca Burgess
Nicole & Steve
Mikey & Charlotte
© 2020 - 2025 Artistic Beauty Nelson